Carlo Baghetti is currently a contract researcher of the Centre National de la Recherche (CNRS) at the Laboratoire d’Économie et Sociologie du Travail (LEST-UMR7317). He has been focusing his research on labor narratives for over a decade, with a particular focus on Italian literary representations from the 19th to the 21st century, but with timely forays into French and Spanish literature. In addition to having published numerous essays on the subject (including Baghetti 2016, Baghetti 2019, Baghetti 2020a, Baghetti 2020b), he has edited numerous journal monographs studying literary and, more generally, artistic representations of labor in Italy (AIPI Congress 2020, Baghetti et al. 2021), but he has also extended his investigation to other European countries by adopting a comparatist approach (Baghetti, Milanesi, and Zinato 2020) (Baghetti and Spinelli 2023). His latest research focuses on artistic and cultural representations that have told the conflicting relationship between labor, economic development, technological progress, and the preservation of ecosystems. On the topic, there is a recently published essay an essay on Paolo Volponi's La macchina mondiale (Baghetti 2022) and the volume Ecologia e lavoro. Dialoghi interdisciplinari (Baghetti et al. 2023), which addresses the topic by studying different forms of expression, from literature to cinema, via poetry and sociological and historiographical narratives. In 2018, he founded and currently co-directs OBERT - Observatoire Européen des Récits du Travail.