Artistic work
- installazione permanente
Stored in
The Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas
Work technique
edificio, oggettistica
Work dimensions
Dimensioni variabili
The installation is a gift from the artist to the Chinati Foundation. The work occupies an entire building divided into rooms, the appearance of which is reminiscent of an abandoned school building from the former Soviet Union. The spaces are decorated with posters, flags and other emblems: everything is messy, faded, neglected. The bookcases and desks distributed in the classrooms, with Russian notebooks and memorabilia, tell a story of another place and another time. Sheets written by Kabakov and displayed in red display cases recall anecdotes and past experiences of the students in the school. The walls are painted in a pale, institutional green, peeling off in various areas of the surface. At the center of the building is a courtyard where spontaneous plants and weeds grow.