Diasporic Creativities is a bilingual volume made up of thirteen conversations between Humanities scholars and artists whose work focuses on the theme of migration and identity. The contributions in the collection embrace forms of production ranging from literature to visual arts, from cinema to theatrical performance, from podcasts to rap music, while debates on identity, language, migration, memory and citizenship emerge among the recurring themes. This volume is also an invitation to rethink creative and academic work in the Humanities as intrinsically linked to dialogue and collaboration. Each conversation focuses on Italy understood as a catalyst of meanings and artistic practices that develop in different and often unexpected directions, rather than as a geographically and culturally specific, homogeneous and delimited place. Likewise, the notion of Italian culture that emerges from these conversations is open, dynamic and intrinsically linked to the belief that research and creativity have a central role in imagining and building more righteous and inclusive societies.
Link: https://www.mimesisedizioni.it/libro/9788857591810